Saturday 9 September 2023

Cosplayer prints

A few years back I was lucky enough to travel to San Diego for Comicon (I wrote about it on a previous blogpost here with LOTS of photos).  

I've been to conventions in the UK but we have nothing of the scale and size of Comicon. 

Firstly - it's California so it's just a short run up the interstate to Tinseltown and all the TV and movie studios so the guests and the props are going to be stellar. Then there's San Francisco and Silicon Valley, also both in California, so you get all the games developers there too. I went with a friend called Murphy and we spent nearly three days wandering around the event and didn't see all of it. It's huge and it's bonkers.

And the most bonkers thing is that almost everyone is a cosplayer. Everywhere you look there are Batmans and Spidermans, weird furry monsters and stormtroopers, Amazon princeses and sword-wielding Manga warriors.

Once I was back in the UK, I found myself doodling some of the cosplayers I'd seen. In particular I was struck by those I'd seen that - and I'm trying to be polite here - seemed to have chosen the wrong costumes. Like the Star Trek Scotty whose shirt didn't quite cover his belly. And the tall, skinny Wonderwoman with the kind of spectacles you don't dare look at the sun through. 

Here's my sketch of the Doctor Who/Scotty guys.

And here are the four digital images I created and then sold as prints:

They turned out to be quite popular and the prints soon sold out.

Perhaps I should sell prints of my work more often?

P.s. There was a fifth print I planned to do but never got around to featuring Han Solo and a Domo.

I might finish it.

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