This was a rather nice find a few days ago - a Golden Scalycap (Pholiota adiposa) growing in a hollow in an Oak tree.
A few days later, it had opened up (and invertebrates had made a hole in the stalk).
It's a stunningly-coloured fungus - if nasty and slimy to the touch - but it's not really an edible. I'm told that they, or very close relatives, are eaten in some countries but it's not advised, especially with alcohol, as they can cause gastric upset. I'm quite happy to look, thanks.
We're getting to the end of the mushroom season now but it's been a corker this year with many interesting sightings. Like this little 'island' (it was in a puddle) covered in Candlesnuff Fungus (Xylaria hypoxylon), a oddly-shaped White Saddle (Helvella crispa), what I believed to be a Wrinkled Peach (Rhodotus palmatusand) but it isn't - I still don't know what it is! - and lots of teeny-tiny mushrooms - probably the wonderfully named Twig Parachute (Marasmiellus ramealis).

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