Top it with mashed avocado - I refuse to say 'smashed' as I'm not some Hoxton bearded trendy. You can tell if an avocado is ready for use by gently squeezing it. It should yield easily but not too easily. A chef once told me it should feel like you're squeezing the end of your nose. Also, if you break off the little 'nut' at the smaller end, you can see what colour the avocado is inside - avoid ones that are very pale (under-ripe) or black (over-ripe). A nice green is good.
Top the avocado with a some crumbled chunks of a soft goat's cheese and sliced, sweet cherry tomatoes. Or, if you don't like goat's cheese, use cream cheese. I make my own. It's a soft cheese called Labneh which originates from Turkey and you make it with just two ingredients - Greek yoghurt and salt.
Get a 500g pot of full fat Greek yoghurt. Sprinkle in a good pinch of salt and stir it through. Have a taste to see how salty it is. If it seems a bit bland, add a pinch more. Then pour the yoghurt into a muslin or tea towel and suspend it over a bowl (I use a muslin lined sieve).
The whey very quickly separates from the curds and, within just a couple of hours - you'll have a delicious creamy soft cheese that isn't as 'goaty' as goat's cheese.

I then use it with the avocado toast recipe above. Or I also use it as a dip with some warmed pitta bread and drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkle of black pepper. Or I put some on a cracker with some homemade sweet pickled beetroot. Not to everyone's taste but I love it.
But, if you don't like cheese, why not substitute it with a couple of poached free range eggs? Duck eggs are particularly delicious if you're pushing the boat out.
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