Friday 16 September 2022

Fairy Ring Champignons

A crowd of these tasty chaps turned up on my back lawn today.

These are Fairy Ring Champignons (Marasmius oreades) AKA Fairy Ring Mushrooms, Elf Rings, Scotch Bonnets or, as French restaurants call them, Mousseron

They're a lovely, tasty cooking mushroom and hard to mistake for anything poisonous. To be absolutely sure, check where the gills meet the stem. They should terminate there. There are a couple of other similar-ish looking mushrooms that are poisonous but the gills carry on down the stem. It's quite a distinctive feature so you shouldn't have any problems with misidentification. Fairy Ring Champignons also have a 'bump' on top and the mushroom itself should be a tan in colour.

But, as always, if you are not 100% sure, don't eat them.

They are a bit late this year - the season is from May to October - but we can blame that on a very dry Summer and the recent rains. 

Mousseron contain a sugar that allows them to retain all of their flavour when dried. When rehydrated they taste the same as fresh, so they're a good standby mushroom for Winter stews, risottos and fry-ups. So, after giving these a wash to get rid of any bugs or nasties, I'm now air drying them on my kitchen windowsill.  

If Nature provides, it seems rude not to use them!

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